
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Benefits of Distance Learning Essay

The benefits of distance learning are apparent as distance learning aims at meeting student’s needs. The offered outline is composed according to student’s needs and abilities. The most important factor affecting many future students who are willing to study is financial problems. Therefore firstly they consider financial benefits of any type of learning. Ability to take part-time job along with ability to save money plays an important role in choosing studying course. Students having financial problems also consider benefits in time management and distance learning gives the opportunity to study when it is convenient for a student. Therefore time management benefits have to follow financial ones. Furthermore, effectiveness of studying process is also a matter of concern for future students. Ability to correspond with teachers and other students via e-mail, telephone and chat rooms offers wide range of studying opportunities. Constant access to on-line libraries and data bases affects student’s choice. Students having full-time and part-time jobs would be able to pass exams during their available time. Finally, social benefits take the last place, because considerations about financial and studying benefits are more important in modern society as education is very expensive and one firstly thinks abut the ability to pay for the course and only then about the opportunities to lead social life. References Distance Learning Benefits. (2005). Retrieved October, 27, 2006, from http://www. distance-learning-college-guide. com/distance-learning-benefits. html

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Brain Development Essay

The first eight years of a child’s life are not only the most important years of a child’s life, but also the most rapid period of human development throughout a human life. These years are critical to the emotional and physical growth of a child. By the age of four, half of a person’s intelligence potential has already been developed and early childhood experiences can have a lasting effect on personality, behavior, and learning. (Early, 2001) These first eight years of life are broken down into the first two years, early childhood, and middle childhood. Throughout these three stages of life, the brain does most of its developing and determines the life that person will lead. The developing of a child’s brain falls upon the interactions and experiences a child has with its parents and any other primary caregivers in the beginning of life. During the first two years of a child’s life, a lot occurs in their brain which is essential to their life. Whe n a child is born, about seventy percent of their neurons are located in their cortex. (Berger, 2010) In an infant, the cortex is made up of thin layers of tissues that cover the brain and make the thought process possible. The layers related to the basic senses tend to mature pretty early in an infant’s life, but the prefrontal cortex is one that matures late. The prefrontal cortex is responsible for anticipation, planning, and impulse control and is practically inoperative during the first few months of life. It doesn’t start to mature until childhood and continues to through adolescence and adulthood. (Boyd, 2010) Areas of the brain are very important for basic needs to live such as breathing and heartbeat deep in the skull. Emotions and impulses are controlled somewhere in the middle of the brain and perception and cognition are in the cortex. Even though at birth the brain contains more neurons than it needs, it contains fewer dendrites and synapses than it will obtain throughout life. In the cortex, the growth of synapses, axons, and dendrites takes place quickly in the first months and years of an infant’s life. This causes the brain weight to triple by the age of two. In addition, five times as many dendrites and one hundred trillion synapses are present by the age of two. This large growth of dendrites is followed by pruning. Pruning is the process by which unused connections in the brain atrophy and die, so that new ones can grow. (Berger, 2010) Pruning is very important in the development of a healthy  brain. If there is too much or too little pruning going on, problems can oc cur. When there is too little pruning, children make have intellectual disabilities that makes thinking difficult, such as autism. When there is too much pruning, it can lead to a reduction of brain activity. (Berger, 2010) Infant brains to not develop correctly if they lack certain experiences that all humans need, such as stimulation. Babies need to be played with and talked to during their first years in order to encourage movement and allow sensations. If babies are not talked to or played with, it can stunt the brain. Infants are satisfied with even the most simple objects and facial expressions. Human brains are designed to grow and adapt with whatever object they have available and whoever provides them with every day attention. Every baby will go through a stressful experience here and there, but it is patterns of mistreatment that harm their brain, not moments. (Berger, 2010) The most important parts of the brain develop during early childhood. Between the ages of two and six, planning, thinking, social awareness, and language occur in the cortex. It is during early childhood when the prefrontal cortex starts to mature. This allows young children to begin to plan ahead and even think about the past. (Berger, 2010) The biggest increase in brain weight after the first two years is because of myelination. Myelination continues for years and it is a life-long process, but is most apparent in early childhood. It speeds the transmission of nerve impulses between neurons and becomes pivotal when multiple thoughts and actions have to take place all at once. (Boyd, 2010) By time m ost children turn six, they can see object and name them, catch a ball and throw it, and write and say their ABC’s in order. It is important that when children are doing these things, that the adults in their lives are patient. The only way children are going to learn how to tie their shoes, write their name, or get dressed, is if they do it on their own with a little help from a parent. If a parent is constantly yelling at a child to hurry or take over, their child will always think that they can’t do it by themselves. (Berger, 2010) In early childhood, children have the tendency to stick to a thought for a long time instead of switching to another. This is why children at this stage have difficulty sorting objects. Once a child is told to sort something by color and do it correctly, if they are told to next sort by shape, they try to sort by color again. However, something in  the brain matures between ages three and five that allows children to grow out of perseveration. (Berger, 2010) The corpus callosum grows rapidly during early childhood. This long, thick band of nerve fibers that connects the left and right sides of the brain ,make communication between the hemispheres better and allows children to coordinate both sides of the brain and the body. (Boyd, 2010) If the corpus callosum does not mature, it could result in serious disorders such as autism. It is important that children can coordinate both sides of the brain because both sides are normally involved in every skill, even though both sides do diff erent things. (Berger, 2010) The amygdala, the hippocampus, and the hypothalamus are crucial to emotional expression and regulation during early childhood. The amygdala registers positive and negative emotion, including fear. Increased activity in the amygdala can cause young children to have nightmares or phobias. (Berger, 2010) Located next to the amygdala, the hippocampus is in control of memory. Children are able to remember memories they had at certain locations that will follow them through adulthood. The hypothalamus responds to symbols from both of these parts of the brain. The hypothalamus produces a hormone called cortisol to activate parts of the brain and body. As all three of these parts of the brain develop, children pay close attention to their parents’ emotions. If they sense that their parent is scared or worried, they will also develop fear. (Berger, 2010) Brain maturation in young children is advanced, but like in infants, experience and parental relationships has an impact too. Brain maturation only increases more throughout middle childhood. Since the brain has no areas specific for reading like it does for talking, gestures, and expressions, humans have to learn to read on their own. This is possible because of massive interconnections between the parts of the brain that deal with sounds, vision, and comprehending. (Berger, 2010) These â€Å"massive interconnections† are not only needed for reading but for many other social skills as well. Several parts of the brain connect to enable for many activities, reading, writing, logic, and social decisions. Children require more connections than adults because they often use more parts of their brain for activities than adults do. (Boyd, 2010) The older that children get, the quicker their reaction time gets. In middle childhood, children are more efficient learners because of their more speedy reactions. In addition  to thinking quickly, children are able to pay more attention in middle childhood. As children get older, they get better at concentrating on one stimuli and ignoring others. They are more able to focus on one thing and not get distracted by others. This usually happens by the age of seven. (Berger, 2010) In middle childhood children also learn how to do math. They adopt newer, better strategies to solve math problems. Although they aren’t always perfect, they can usually find the right answer. In children during middle adulthood they may know the answer one day, but it isn’t permanently in their brain and they may not know they answer the next day. (Berger, 2010) Another way children advance in middle childhood is through memory. They are better at connecting their past knowledge to what they are doing in that moment. Children realize that some things should be remembered and they begin to strategies like repeating themselves in order to remember them. Th ey also use strategies like visual clues such as remember how a word looks or auditory clues like remembering how a word sounds. In middle childhood children’s memory becomes more adaptive and they are able to learn from their parents, teachers, and friends. (Berger, 2010) From the time children are born until they reach adolescence they are developing rapidly in their brain and bodies. Although most of the development of the brain during childhood is genetic, it is so important for parents to interact with their children, be patient with them, teach them new things, and set the best example they can for their children so they can become healthy adults. Brain development doesn’t stop after childhood, but continues to develop throughout adulthood. Almost all of the brain development takes place during childhood and the first several years of a person’s life are the most important to their personality and their future. â€Å"References† Early Childhood Development: The Key to a Full and Productive Life. New York: UNICEF, 2001. PDF. (Early, 2001) Berger, Kathleen Stassen. Invitation to the Life Span. Second ed. New York: Worth, 2010. Print. (Berger, 2010) Boyd, Denise Roberts., and Helen L. Bee. The Growing Child. Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 2010. Print. (Boyd, 2010)

Lsi – Gm591 Leadership and Organization Behavior

LSI GM591 Leadership and Organization Behavior September 9, 2011 According to my LSI, my Primary personal thinking style is avoidance at 80% and my back-up personal thinking style is affiliative at 75%. I agree with my primary personal thinking style, avoidance and my back-up personal thinking style, affiliative. With the avoidance style, I can live life more positively and I can confront the people that cause my distress. With the affiliative style, I can acquire stronger interpersonal skills that will help form healthy relationships. Some of the statements about avoidance are true about me, while others aren’t. Example of true statements are: having few strong interests, having difficulty making decisions, uncomfortable discussing feelings and self-doubting and self-blaming. Some of the false statements are: lacking initiative, having difficulty establishing relationships, preoccupied with my own concerns, recently experienced something traumatic and feeling overwhelmed by circumstances. If you tally the true and false statements up, then you would see that I have more false statements than true ones, which tells me that I am less avoidance-oriented now. However, if you look at the definition of avoidance, as avoiding situations that may cause distress, then I would be a more avoidance-oriented person. When I get upset with a friend or family member, then I tend to shut down completely and avoid them for a few days till I am able to discuss what is wrong with me. I also agree with the affiliative style being my back-up personal thinking style because I don’t have a hard time meeting people, I don’t lack effectiveness at work, I don’t avoid group activities, I am able to relax around people and I don’t feel unimportant or disliked. I might feel lonely sometimes, but everyone does at one point or another. Being in the affiliative style benefits me with being liked and feeling a sense of belonging. I would identify achievement as limiting personal thinking style because it was my lowest scoring percentile at 21%. Being achievement-oriented involves recognizing where your efforts make a difference, deciding on a desired outcome, and setting specific goals to help you accomplish it. I would say that my achievement style is lowered because I feel like my efforts makes little differences, I on’t set goals, and I lack interest. However, I don’t lack initiative at work, I take responsibility for my actions and I don’t blame other people for my problems. In school I don’t do homework to achieve or excel, I just do it to get it done and hopefully pass. My dependent, approval, and conventional personal thinking styles all being at 69% percentile could be preventing me from being an achiever. Fo r me to become more achievement-oriented I need to start pleasing myself and stop focusing on what I think I should be doing and instead do what is important to me. I am not a manager yet, but I am pursuing that degree and field now. After reviewing my LSI and learning what it all means, I am going to have a hard time achieving a manager type persona. I think that a manager needs to be encouraging and have a high percentile in the humanistic-encouraging style and mine is only at 25%. I am not uncomfortable with interacting with others, nor do I lack close relationships, nor do I have a problem working in groups. However, I do have a difficult time communicating in terms of speaking in public and telling people what do to or how to do something. Improving my humanistic-encouraging style will improve my ability to lead, manage and teach. Looking back now, it’s weird to see some connections with my growing up strategies with certain personal thinking styles. I remember my mom never making me do any homework or bribing me with rewards if I got all A’s or anything like that, so I have a feeling that had an affect on why I don’t feel a big need to be more achievement-oriented. When my mom got upset with my brother, and me she would just run to her room and I guess, â€Å"avoid† us. So, now when I am upset with a friend, I â€Å"run† away and let it just pass by. My mom was always encouraging me to do things and always said that I can do whatever I put my mind to, so I don’t know why my encouraging style is in the lower percentile. I have learned a lot about myself while taking and reviewing my LSI results. This exercise made me aware of knew things about myself, while letting me admit to myself some other things. For example, I had a feeling I had avoidance problems, but taking this survey and it finding out that information made me think that it is actually real and hurting me more than I thought. I would love to improve my avoidance personal thinking style.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Why am I here Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Why am I here - Essay Example Having come from a humble and financially straining background, I have often felt the need to be the light of my family and the community as well. On the other hand, I take the matters of religion seriously and often take time to nourish my soul with religious values. However, I find it important to read widely the different religions particularly Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, and Judaism. Whereas religion provides a moral compass, I find it important to have a wide encompassing understanding and not just get fixated on one religion. Having taken a ISFJ Personality a while back, I came to understand that most of the challenges impeding my success could actually be lying within me. My altruistic personality has made it difficult to balance between helping others and managing my personal life. At the moment, I am required to put more focus on my studies to secure a bright future. However, I am intrinsically altruistic and like helping other people. For instance, I spend a significant amount of time helping my friends who are behind me in class. Additionally, I share the little financial assistance I get from my parents with the less privileged at the expense of my comfort at school. Another impeding challenge is financial constraints. Presently, I need adequate resources to study and further my studies after college at a time when I am not earning any money. I may not be able to utilize any emerging opportunities because of lack of funds. Possible future challenges include overwhelming responsibilities, as I become a global citizen. As I seek to become a person of influence, it is worth considering that more responsibilities will come along the way. For instance, I expect to undertake a Masters and a Ph.D. later on perhaps in pursuit of my perfectionism nature. This will arguably put a scholarly responsibility on my

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Towards industrial advanced front-junction n-type silicon solar cells Research Paper

Towards industrial advanced front-junction n-type silicon solar cells - Research Paper Example The justification of the project presented here is the need to develop better sources of energy (Yimao Wan et al. 1). The paper presents an analysis of the current trends in the field of engineering the solar cells. It takes a keen perspective on the development of the n-type front-junction monocyrstalline solar cells. It looks at the area variation and optimal output and the resistivity consideration that will yield potentially high output from the configuration. Moreover, production of solar cells undergoes a process better known as passivation. The cells are passivated using atmospheric pressure chemical vapor deposited (APCVD) Al2O3 together with the Plasma enhanced chemical Vapor Deposited (PECVD) SiNx. The expectation level of a potential 21.6% efficiency of output from the developed cells is put into consideration (Yimao Wan et al. 1). The ultimate point of developing a solar cell is to achieve a conversion of solar energy into electric power. The paper determines ways into which a voltage level of up to 664nV will be achieved since that will be an excellent combination of output from a cell that needs commercialization. Efficiency is also a matter that is dependent on the effective area size, and the paper projects a 2 * 2cm2 to be an excellent fit for such an application. In respect to coming up with an optimal approach to electric production from solar cells, the right combination are analyzed in an experiment and a discussion is presented in the paper. The resistivity variations used in the experimentation is a range from three to 10 Ohm.cm (Yimao Wan et al. 2). Larger area covered by a single cell has been analyzed to the extent of a 12.5 * 12.5 cm2. Dimensions are a critical aspect of design. It will determine the amount of light falling on the plate and hence the total output voltage. Research is going on to determine the best cell arrangement that optimally increases that the reception of light rays

Saturday, July 27, 2019

How do you provide Leadership when you are not a manager, supervisor, Essay

How do you provide Leadership when you are not a manager, supervisor, or a decision-maker - Essay Example There are two ways through which one can lead others first is the position or the office at which a particular person is held and second is the influencing qualities that are present in a specific person. These are the qualities that persuade others to follow that person regardless of the fact that the position at which he is held is not that significant. There are different ways in which one can perform leadership activities without being a manager or a decision maker. First way is that he can provoke others to follow him if he has a strong personality, a knack to deal with difficult situations swiftly, a systematic way to perform different tasks efficiently and other various qualities that are essential for surviving in the competitive world of business. Such qualities help a person to stand out of all the odds and to accomplish different complicated tasks without much difficulty.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Compare and contrast Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 3

Compare and contrast - Essay Example The story takes the help of a simple dream or illusionary craze of the young boy to show him the stark reality of Dublin’s life that is very different from the world of is own making. This describes the boy’s experience, emphasizing more on the character portrayal than anything else. The narrator describes how the city and the surroundings had eaten into the health of the young boy’s life and contributed towards creating the person that he was. The protagonist of the story is the matured boy who had once been the innocent boy depicted in the story. The story opens with the lines â€Å"North Richmond Street, being blind, was a quiet street except at the hour when the Christian Brothers School set the boys free† (Joyce). Ironically, even though they were free from school, even their play did not give them the desired pleasure, for it was an equally dull world, where not even play brought any refreshment for the children. All these descriptions of dullness actually creates the backdrop against which the boy took resort of imagination larger than life and hence encounters a surprising disillusionment The antagonist in the story is the culture and life of Dublin, which has a significant role in shaping the boy’s mind along with the other inhabitants in the city. Joyce refers to Dublin as â€Å"indeed sterile†. This coaxes the innocent mind to seek shelter to a world of his own making or imagination where the boy seeks peace and happiness that the reality could not give him. The narrator himself is the young boy in the story who brings out the stark reality and the disillusionment undergone by the innocent soul. In his allegorical piece of work, Joyce intends to make the reader realize the harsh life that people were compelled to face in Dublin. And creates a platform for disillusionment which was a combination of wisdom and

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Crisis Management and Communication Research Paper

Crisis Management and Communication - Research Paper Example It is the moment of uncertainty that best describes a crisis situation. The severity of such crisis varies significantly, with less moderate to severe. The most common aspect of uncertainty pertains to the ethical and moral implications of the organization’s communication strategy during the crisis. The most common aspect of this is who is to be held responsible. Often, organizations fail to address crisis effectively because they have the tendency to engage in blame game which should ideally be the no-go area for organizations during crisis situations. The purpose of communication, or more so â€Å"strategic† communication during times like these, is to mitigate to some extent this form of uncertainty associated with the crisis. The higher the uncertainty associated with finding a solution for the crisis the greater the severity of the crisis (Stephens, Malone, & Bailey, 2005). It is often useful to classify crisis as an event caused by either external factors such as opportunities and threats as well as internal dynamics of the company including strengths and weaknesses. Crisis puts the company’s immediate survival at stake. ... Furthermore, researchers have also delineated on the steps in crisis management and communication, keeping in mind the procedural nature of a crisis situation. In the first stage, the organization gets signs and warning signals pertaining to an upcoming disaster (Stephens, Malone, & Bailey, 2005). In the next stage, organizations often engage in preparation and prevention exercises such as team-building measures as well as employing training measures to deal effectively with the crisis (Stephens, Malone, & Bailey, 2005). In the third phase, the damage is potentially â€Å"contained† or limited by several measures, the most important of which is communication, in order to avert the spillover of damage to other parts of the organization (Stephens, Malone, & Bailey, 2005). In the final phase, the organization recovers from the mishap, which is followed by essential learning in order to avoid the possibility of such a crisis in future (Stephens, Malone, & Bailey, 2005). Communicat ion during crisis situations, therefore, is fundamental to reaching the recovery phase sooner and more safely. The ultimate aim of communication during crisis situation is to frame appropriate public perceptions about the company and to maintain a favorable image of the company in the minds of stakeholders. Communication during these times also serves the purpose of informing, convincing or even motivating stakeholders towards a desired form of action. Another aim of crisis communication is to ensure that the damage is controlled and that the negative impact of the crisis on various environmental elements is minimized. Companies often use this as an opportunity to reinforce and communicate existing values, culture, vision and mission associated with the organizations to the public. As is the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The Current Economic Situation Marked by High Unemployment and Low Essay

The Current Economic Situation Marked by High Unemployment and Low Inflation - Essay Example This essay not only describes current economic situation in the United States that was explored as an example. The current economic situation in the United States of America marred by high unemployment and low inflation can ideally be explained with the help of the Philips Curve. As per A W Philips, there existed a relationship between the levels of unemployment and consequently the rate of change in money wages and the rate of change in prices and hence inflation. To put it in simple words, as per the Philips Curve, historically speaking, their lies an inverse relationship between Demand Pull Inflation and the rate of unemployment. The researcher also provides the reader with some steps, that would not only increase the aggregate demand but would also check the expanding unemployment rate. The Salient Factors that have impacts on the US economy rates, such as The Labor Market, Product Markets and Other Factor Markets are explored in details. The researcher od this essay also discuss es and presents some alternate scenarios that say an unemployment rate of 8.8 percent and an inflation rate of 10 percent will not warrant such measures. In such scenario that was discussed, the pragmatic approach on the part of the government will be to pursue a restrained fiscal and monetary policy to contract the supply of money in the markets. In conclusion, it is stated that in the current scenario showing high unemployment and low inflation, it is advisable that the government pursues an expansionary fiscal and monetary policy.

Research Methods Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Research Methods - Assignment Example There are two main research methods used in the business field, which are the qualitative and quantitative research methods; their use depends on different scenarios and the type of data that is required. Qualitative research methods are meant to help the researcher in understanding how people make decisions. This is achieved by evaluating the cultural and social contexts that describe the environment in which such people are situated (Myers, 2013). On the other hand, quantitative research was developed from natural sciences in understanding natural phenomena; the research approach uses numbers to represent values in constructing theoretical concepts. Interpreting such numbers is a strong scientific based method of understanding how a process actually works, and allows greater reliability as data collected offers a better trend of relations between two variables (Myers, 2013). This report uses a qualitative and a quantitative article in management to show how each research methodolog y applies in examining relationships between concepts. The report further determines the suitability of each methodology under differing research contexts. Holts (2011) uses a descriptive quantitative approach in determining the necessary behaviours, skills and practices that a pharmaceutical company would require to establish a reliable and effective leadership development program. The research involves collecting data from sales representatives and district managers. The two groups represent multi-level structures in an organization and offer reliable trends in the behaviour of sales persons in the company. Case studies as in Holts case may be said to be, â€Å"an empirical inquiry that investigates a contemporary phenomenon within its real-life context† (Yin 2003, p.13). In other words, the study is aimed at investigating the dynamics that manifest in a single research setting, in this case examining actions taken by sales persons in a pharmaceutical company. The author ai ms at tracing operational links and their impacts on sales representatives. In addition, the research establishes ‘how’ the company may use skills of the experienced sales persons in formulating a training program for new personnel in the future. Holts first offers a background on how companies formulate different approaches to structure leadership development programs, and forms a problem statement based on this introduction. The research problem, which forms the basis of the article, is that companies lack enough knowledge on how to formulate effective leadership training programs. Holts justifies this problem by examining the benefits of forming a program based on the data from sales representatives and district managers, as they possess the required skills in marketing the company’s products. However, Holts in the conceptual framewor

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

International Finance Market Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

International Finance Market - Essay Example Also, the importance of the capital asset pricing model for firms which want to evaluate their cost of capital, is explored in the next part. The link between CAPM, the required return on equity and the weighted average cost of capital is explored, with the help of various resources. There are many ways for the companies to raise the capital, the most common way is from stock markets, in this way the investor will be part from this company and the benefits will be based on the company performance and the company success is important for the shareholder. Another option is from bonds markets, in this way the bond owner does not have the ownership in the company and the benefit not very important for the bondholders, also the bondholder does not care about company success (Young, A 2009). For example if a firm undertake debt to finance the business, it will help the owner to retain the ownership but it will result in regular payment of interest and the lenders are less interested in success of the company, so if the owner relay more on debt fund, it will enhance financial risk. On the other hand if capital is raised through equity, then large volume of fund can be raise for longer time period and the investors will be more interested in growth and success of the co mpany but there will be loss of ownership as the equity share holders have the voting right to participate in decision making process. Bonds investment tools provide flexible funding and appropriate for companies, and at this time business companies need many way for funding, because the business sector now is changeable (Fadak, T 2004). Buy and sell debt was one of the main reasons for the occurrence of the global financial crisis, because that we have to be careful (Almarshad, M 2009). In my opinion In this argument I agree with the first writer, because at this time the business sector has many challenges and we must provide appropriate solutions for problem especially the problem of funding. A. Raising capital from bond and equity markets 1. The initial public offering When a company is in need of capital, there are two options which will comprise the mix of its capital structure: one is debt, and the other is equity. If the company chooses to raise capital from equity financing, there are also various options. One of these options include raising capital from financial markets such as the stocks market either through seasoned offering or a new issue, most commonly known as the initial public offering (Lee, I et al. 1996). The initial public offering takes place when a company decides to issue stocks that is available for the public's investors (Strategies for raising equity capital, 2003). The company employs underwriters-investment banks that first buy the securities from the issuing corporation and re-selling it to the investors-at-large (Szewczyk, H. S. et al. 1991). Underwriters usually help the issuing company to prepare the prospectus, which is a document that describes the company as well as its prospects. A lot of practitioners as well as academicians regard IPOs as one of the most costly ways to raise equity capital. IPOs are required, by law to be registered in the Securities and Exchange Commissions (Gay, K 1999). The issuing company pays for administrative and legal fees, which are part of the IPO registration (Lee, H. W. et al. n.d). 2. Seasoned equity

Monday, July 22, 2019

New Vaccine against Cervical Cancer Essay Example for Free

New Vaccine against Cervical Cancer Essay According to the American cancer society, in the year 2008, â€Å"about 11,070 cases of invasive cervical cancer will be diagnosed in the United States.† (American Cancer Society). Close to a third of these women will succumb to cervical cancer making it to be one of the leading in cancer deaths. This indicates the magnanimity of the problem facing the society today, a problem that has become costly to address. An announcement made by experts in 2004 on the possible invention of a vaccine to prevent cervical cancer was treated with glee and huge expectations. Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine is aimed at the strains of the Papillomavirus that leads to cervical cancer. The raging controversy when this vaccine is mentioned is the insistence by the health experts that it can only be effective in women if it is introduced at a young age of below thirteen. The position of this paper, in spite of the recognition and appreciation of the gravity of cervical cancer, is that the HPV vaccine should not be given to young girls as it will create an impression that it is appropriate to engage in premarital sex.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Vaccination against cervical cancer has become a sensitive issue with possible political ramifications to legislators that are likely to support its being mandatory. Most of the informed criticism being leveled on the vaccine centers on its inappropriateness when it is carried out against young girls. It is important to note that the raging opposition against the vaccine does not centre on its ability to prevent cervical cancer but at the perception and the image it is likely to send to the young, sexually and emotionally vulnerable girls (Gilham Matthews 48) Gardasil and Cervarix are such vaccines that are currently deeply embroiled in this controversy. Gardasil is a product of Merck that seeks to protect women from four strains of cervical cancer. These strains are 6.11, 16, and 18. For it to be effective, it has to be given to a person in a period stretching to 6 months. A total of three injections are carried out. Cervarix is a product of GlaxoSmithKline but its approval is still under consideration by the Food and Drugs Authority. Unlike Gardasil, it protects a woman against two strains only of Human Papillomavirus. These are 16 and 18. It is also carried out in three injections spanning over a period of six months. One important point to note here is that the efficiency of these two drugs as far as protecting women against the various HPV types is yet to be fully ascertained. This is because of the existence of a high number of strains of HPV. This means that a third of all cervical cancer cases cannot be prevented. However, it is vital to point out that Gardasil has so far been approved by the FDA for being effective in arresting any infection on the strains that it targets (Lowy and Schiller 13). The argument being made by those that advocate for its mandatory vaccination on young girls is on the basis of the fact that it can only be functional if given to women before they began engaging in sexual activities. According to the FDA, it is licensed for use by women between the age 9 and 26. There is an undeniable logic in this. A vaccine is preventative and not curative. There are tentative reports on studies that indicate the possible manufacturing of drugs that will be effective even to women infected with HPV. However, the ones that have raised controversy are only effective to women that have not had any sexual contacts. It is hence undeniable that there is enough ground for this vaccination to be given to girls at a tender age; however this does not mean that it should be made mandatory on young girls even before the age of puberty (Elit and Froese 26). Although fully understanding the benefits of such a vaccination and the possible averting of a cervical   cancer related deaths, it is crucial to investigate the kind of perception that legislators would be sending to the young people by making it mandatory for school going girls to have cervical cancer vaccines. At the age of 12, girls are in their formative stage and on the verge of becoming sexually developed and mature. Between the age of 9 and 25, they are likely to be tempted to engage in premarital sex not recognizing the risks that that they face from the immense sexually transmitted diseases. A vaccine against cancer given, at such a tender age, will send the wrong image that it is okay to engage in such activities. Rather than making it mandatory to have the vaccine carried out on all young girls, a more inexpensive campaign should be carried out to propagate for abstinence as the best strategy of avoiding HPV.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In these days of incurable diseases such as HIV/AIDS, the abstinence debate has been taken a notch higher and abstinence campaign groups have been formed reaching out the young people wide and far. The insistence by some policy makers and the drug manufacturing companies on the mandatory need to carry out the vaccinations is likely to sound a death knell to such campaigns. According to Rob Stein â€Å"Conservative groups say they welcome the vaccine as an important public health tool but oppose making it mandatory.† (AO3) This is a popular stand that is being echoed over time even as the Texas Governor issued the executive order making it mandatory to all school girls from sixth grade.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Taking a look at the raging debate of anti cancer vaccine would reveal the intensity of the criticism that stand over the order. On February 2, 2007 Texas Governor, Rick Perry went against the legislature and issued an executive order PP65 that would have made it compulsory for all six grade girls   to undergo a vaccination against Human Papillomavirus. In issuing the order, Perry managed to circumvent the possible opposition such a bill would be facing from members of legislature and the immense lobbying by conservative rights groups. The order would have required that from September this year, all females commencing sixth grade will have to get a Gardasil jab. By sixth grade, the governor is focusing on girls of a tender age between 11 and 12. Perry has come out clearly in support of the vaccine saying that the issuing of the order was prompted by understanding of the economic benefits that it stands to bring. He said that, ‘the HPV vaccine provides with an incredible opportunity to effectively target and prevent cervical cancer.† (USA TODAY)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   An analysis of the order brings out a number of controversial issues that point a finger against the vaccine. According to the pro-family groups, the executive order usurped the role and the powers of the legislature. This is a move that immediately prompted a bill in the legislature that has sought to rescind the order. It is important to note that by issuing the order, he has also usurped the role of the parents in deciding what is right for their children.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The financial implications of Perry’s executive order also need to be analyzed. Gardasil emerges as an expensive vaccine costing over three hundred dollars. This would be an expensive venture by a state that wishes to make it mandatory for girls to have the vaccine.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   When the issue of Perry’s executive order is raised, there are a number of factors that are brought to the surface as likely to have contributed to the issuing of the executive order.   This however is not to undermine the importance of the vaccine and the benefits that such an executive order can reap. There have been connections that have been drawn between the Texas governor and the Gardasil manufacturers, Merck. Importantly, Merck is said to have contributed 6000 dollars to his campaigns. The drug campaign chief lobbyist was Perry’s chief of staff. This may be a non pertinent issue but it is a strong indicator of the influence wielded by the drug manufactures. Another issue that would come up to discredit the order is the cost of distributing the vaccine to the school girls in Texas. Taking a look at the provision of health services in Texas paints a grim picture. Texas is among the states in the United States that has the highest rate of people not under any medical insurance cover. Governor Perry’s Executive Order may have been a positive move of curbing the spread of cervical cancer but it would have been appropriate if the resources that could have catered for the vaccination be channeled towards the provision of basic health to children outside the insurance cover. A look at the above also brings an important issue on the table in regard to the vaccine. The role that the manufacturing companies play in influencing important and sensitive policies also needs to be analyzed. Merck, Gardasil manufacturer, has spent huge amount of money in lobbying for the passage of state laws that would make it mandatory to have schoolgirls between the age of 11 and 12 be vaccinated against HPV. It would not be an ill advised move to regard big pharmaceutical companies with suspicion in regard to pushing for a policy that would increase their sales. Though not to disregard important role that Merck is playing in the fight against cervical cancer, it would not be inappropriate to note that Merck’s move was driven by financial and economic considerations. Merck owns the patent and the rights to exclusively produce and distribute Gardasil, the only vaccine mandated by FDA to prevent cervical cancer. With such exclusive rights and monopoly, there is an understanding that should the government make it mandatory to vaccinate all schoolgirls in their sixth grade, Merck stands to reap huge profits. It hence would not be farfetched and off the mark to argue that Merck’s move to lobby and urge the government to legislate on the vaccine was not driven by health considerations but purely by the desire and the need to increase their sales. The National Vaccine Information Centre has also managed to bring out an important point in its criticism of the vaccine. National Vaccine Information Center is a non profit oriented body that has invested heavily on informing and educating the public on the negative sides of vaccinations. The organization noted that Gardasil injections may have adverse effects that may require medical attention. This also brings an important point in the criticism of the vaccine. The vaccine has only been in the market for only a few months, a short period of time to judge the impact that it could have on the bid to curb cervical cancer. Judicial Watch, a non governmental organization purporting to check government corruption sued the United States Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) for licensing the use of a vaccine whose side effects and other impacts have not been thoroughly established. Judicial Watch claims that there have been â€Å"1824 reports of adverse reactions to the vaccination for the Human Papillomavirus (HPV)† it further claims that there have been so far eight deaths that have been directly attributed to the vaccine (Judicial Watch). It is essential to appreciate the efforts played by the Food and Drug Administration, but it would be imprudent not to criticize any move that would make it mandatory to vaccine school girls, understanding the risks that this could be putting them into. The adverse effects revealed by health experts in regard to the vaccine are a powerful indicator that there is a need to be either halt the vaccine or regulate it. There are a number of criticisms that have been leveled against the vaccine especially centering on its said efficiency. The proponents of the HPV vaccine claim that the vaccine has ability to 100 percent curb over 70 % incidents of cervical cancer. There is still a knowledge gap that exists in this. Experts opposed to the vaccine have brought up important points that cannot be ignored. One of the points made is that it is not possible to establish whether there will develop a new strain of HPV that will be resistant to the vaccine. The compatibility of the vaccine to other immunizations has also not been established. Key to note here is that the effectiveness of the HPV vaccine has not been appropriately established. The argument that stands in this is that that the vaccine was not fully tested on the young girls and that the tests conducted on the adults were assumed to apply to the young girls’ scenario.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Proponents of the vaccine insist that there are no conducted studies on the claim that the vaccine can in any way lead to the increase in promiscuous behaviors in the vaccinated girls. Though this is an argument that may hold some water, it is important to note that there is no study that has been conducted proving otherwise. It has to be understood that making it mandatory for sixth grade to be vaccinated will create a false notion that they are secure and are protected from other sexually transmitted diseases. This is a likely scenario considering the haste with which the vaccine has been carried out disregarding the need for adequate education and the need to emphasize on the importance of abstinence. Works Cited Rob Stein. Cervical Cancer Vaccine Gets Injected With a Social Issue Some Fear a Shot For Teens Could Encourage Sex. Washington Post. October 31, 2005; Page A03. Retrieved on June 2, 2008 from washingtonpost.com  Ã‚  Ã‚   http://www.washingtonpost.com/wpdyn/content/article/2005/10/30/AR2005103000747.html USA TODAY .Texas governor orders anti-cancer vaccine for schoolgirls Updated 2/2/2007. Retrieved on June 2, 2008 from http://www.usatoday.com/news/health/2007-02-02-texas_x.htm Judicial Watch. Judicial Watch Uncovers New FDA Records Detailing Deaths in 1,824 Adverse Reaction Reports Related to HPV Vaccine. 2007. Retrieved on June 2, 2008 from http://www.judicialwatch.org/6428.shtml Peto, J; C Gilham, O Fletcher, FE Matthews. The cervical cancer epidemic that screening has prevented in the UK.. Lancet 364 . 2004; 49-56 Lowy and Schiller .Prophylactic human papillomavirus vaccines. Journal of Clinical Investigation . 116 (5);2006 , 7 -16 American Cancer Society .Detailed Guide: Cervical Cancer What Are the Key Statistics About Cervical Cancer? Retrieved on June 2, 2008 from http://www.cancer.org/docroot/CRI/content/CRI_2_4_1X_What_are_the_key_statistics_for_cervical_cancer_8.asp Laurie Elit, and Jean Chamberlain Froese. Womens Health in the Majority World: Issues and Initiatives. Nova Publishers. 2007; 23- 34

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Automatism and Veristic Surrealism

Automatism and Veristic Surrealism Surrealism was a means of reuniting conscious and unconscious realms of experience so completely, that the world of dream and fantasy would be joined to the everyday rational world in an absolute reality, a surreality. Andre Breton, a major spokesman of the movement gave this proclamation as the principal founder of Surrealism. This paper will start off by explaining the main influences on Surrealism art; The cultural Movement called Dada, the principal founders of Surrealism; Andre Breton, Sigmund Freud and a psychiatrist, Carl Jung. Two separate forms of expression in Surrealism arose through different conceptual theories which derived from specific formations such as Dadaism and the theories of Breton, Freud and Jung. Through the clarification of the founding and influences on Surrealism, the research question: Surrealism art and the comparisons of the two formations of Automatism and Veristic Surrealism will be responded. The founding of the Surrealist movement has a great deal to do with the development of the two eccentric groups; Verisitic surrealism and Automatism. The beginnings of the Surrealist movement and how it derived from the Ideas of the Dada movement in World War I will be explained in the first section of this paper. The Dada movement was a cultural movement that came to believe that the true cause of the war arrived upon the ideas of excessive rational thought and bourgeois values. Surrealism flourished as a reaction to Dadaism, but rather than the negative approach Dadaism had, Surrealists developed a constructive approach in sharing their beliefs of rational thought to society. Surrealism has been greatly influenced by Andre Breton a French writer and poet, and the discoveries of Sigmund Freud and his co-workers. During the war Andre Breton trained in medicine and psychiatry where he used psychoanalytic methods of Sigmund Freud, with the aim of trying to expand the potential of the mind by reconciling the opposing states of dream and reality.2 Freud was able to develop techniques allowing individuals to release their imagination through his exertion of work with free association, dream analysis, and the unconscious, which ultimately became of great importance to the Surrealists. Their accomplishments and investigations will be discussed further to form a basis of knowledge of the founding of Surrealism in order to be able to understand and compare Veristic Surrealism and Automatism to the fullest. In the next section Carl Jung will be discussed in relation to the formation of Automatism and Veristic Surrealism. A Swiss psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung, was the founder of analytical psychology. Carl Jung was the first modern psychologist to deeply investigate the human mind and stated that our minds are in nature religious. He profoundly explored dream analysis as did Sigmund Freud. Jung stated that the images of the subconscious should be accepted as they came into consciousness and not be judged purely so that the images could be accurately evaluated. This principle is what founded the surrealism style of Automatism and is therefore a significant element to this paper. The automatisms came to express themselves in the abstract tradition, while the Veristic surrealists expressed themselves in the symbolic tradition. As a result of extracting the resemblance and contrasts in the judgments of the Veristic and Automatist groups, the research question will most efficiently be answered. Two famous artists: Pablo Picasso and Salvador Dalà ­, arrived from the principal ideas of Surrealism, yet they had very different ways of approaching their art styles which were formed by two different groups; Automatism and Veristic Surrealism. The works of Dali and Picasso will be compared thoroughly in this paper to further emphasize the distinction of the two groups. Picasso used and believed in the Automatism form of surrealism while Salvador Dalà ­ was a practitioner of the Veristic form of Surrealism. Picassos work developed into a more primary form of art rather than the traditional artistic practices where precision was essential. A majority of his work was based in the notion that childrens ingenuity can present us directly to the unconscious. Salvador Dalà ­s work juxtaposes anachronistic images which developed more directly from Dadaism. Dalà ­ profoundly believed that art should be studied and mastered, and that expression of the unconscious would become visible fro m metaphor. An important quality to surrealist works is the element of surprise, where often images are used with apparent lack of relative meaning in comparison to its context. Surrealism art is created through the subconscious mind with its purpose to create incomprehensible visual imagery. Relying greatly on theories from Sigmund Freud, Breton viewed the unconscious as the source of our imagination. The Surrealist movement carries on thriving throughout the world with persistent thought processes and investigations into the mind which have produced some of the finest art ever seen. 1 With this thought kept at the back of ones mind while reading this paper, the exhilarating question of the importance of Surrealism and how it came to evolve to two separate forms: Automatism and Veristic Surrealism will be carefully examined. Dadaism: The Dada movement was a cultural movement which flourished in the 20th century between world war I and II. They were known for questioning political culture in order to test the human mind and challenge it to view things in an entirely different manner than used to. The principal growth point of Surrealism was the founding of Dadaism during World War I, when famous artists and writers initially from Paris spread and became part of the Dada movement.2 The Dada movement created works of anti-art prior to World War I, which purposely defied reason. Surrealism emphasis was not on abolition of popular culture but on reinforcement of the power of positive expression of the mind. The Dada movement expressed a response against what they perceived as the destruction shaped by rationalism in the past which lead European culture and politics and began the terror of World War I.1 Due to the Dadaism attack on society at the end of the First World War, the Surrealist movement gained momentum. Tristan Tzara, the leader of the Dada movement aimed to attack society through scandal. Tzara strongly believed that art is not worthy for a society that creates war. Therefore he decided to give society anti-art; which is defined as ugliness rather than beauty. They intended to insult the new industrial commercial world, however they werent insulted, but instead thought that their rebellion was directed to the old art and patrons of feudalism and church domination. The Surrealist artists were those that did not embrace anti-art which got rid of what all artists have learned and passed on about art. Surrealism split into two separate groups in the 1930s when artists expressed themselves in the more symbolic or abstract tradition. These two groups were the Automatists and the Veristic Surrealists.2 The artists in the movement studied the works of Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud. To understand the Veristic and Automatist surrealists, the work of Freud and Jung will be analyzed in the next section. Andre Breton and Sigmund Freud: Andre Breton, a French writer and a poet, was the principal founder of Surrealism. Throughout World War I, Breton skilled in medicine and psychiatry at the neurological hospital, where he employed Sigmund Freuds psychoanalytic techniques with soldiers suffering from shell-shock. Using the psychoanalytic studies of Sigmund Freud, the surrealists attempted to increase the minds potential by integrating the separate states of dream and reality. Breton and his companions tried to place themselves in a hallucinatory state, in which they thought they were able to perfectly obtain their subconscious minds and extract pure thoughts, uncontaminated by the conscious mind and its rational restrictions.2 Freuds work with free association, dream analysis, and the unconscious, was essential for the Surrealists so that they could discover new ways to liberate the minds thoughts. They embraced unusual behavior, while rejecting its chance of mental illness. They emphasized the reality that one could combine inside the same frame, elements not normally found together to produce illogical and startling effects. In 1924, Breton included the idea of the juxtapositions in his manifesto: a juxtaposition of two more or less distant realities. The more the relationship between the two juxtaposed realities is distant and true, the stronger the image will be the greater its emotional power and poetic reality. The literary journal Littà ©rature contained a published record of dreams and writings of their experimentation of automatic writing, written by Andrà © Breton, Louis Aragon and Philippe Soulpault. Automatic writing is where they were able to write and draw impulsively without containing their judgment. While they developed their theories and continued publishing, they concluded that Surrealism sustained the idea that ordinary expressions are essential, but that the logic of their understanding must be fully open to the full imagination. In the end, the movement intended to change and modernize human understanding and experience, in all aspects; personal, cultural, social, and political. They ultimately aimed to release citizens from false wisdom, and restrictive customs. Carl Gustave Jung: Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) a psychiatrist from Switzerland was significant in the analytical movement. Freud laid the scientific foundation for Jung to investigate further how the unconscious reveals itself though symbols. To recognize and understand his dreams, Jung painted and sculpted his own visions. Jungs theory of the human mind consisted of three fractions: the ego (conscious mind), the personal unconscious, and the collective unconscious. The collective unconscious which we yet can never be directly aware of is the reservoir of our experiences as a species, a kind of knowledge we are all born with. It manipulates all of our decisions indirectly, particularly the emotional ones. Automatism was termed as Jung stated that one should not judge the vision of thoughts, but accept them purely as they are for personal and proper analysis. The suggestions of these new psychological theories captivated many artists. From the theories they were able to recognize that the unconscious has essential messages for the conscious mind, and that it is at first perceived through images while in the end communicated through language. Surrealist artists sought after the relation between the abstract spiritual realities and the actual forms of the material world in their work. The object in actuality stands as a metaphor for an inner deeper truth. By analyzing their art work, artists could bring the inner realities of the subconscious to the conscious mind, so that their significance could be made sense of. Therein lies the social significance of art: It is constantly at work educating the spirit of the age, conjuring up the forms in which the age is more lacking. The unsatisfied yearning of the artist reaches back to the primordial image in the unconscious, which is best fitted to compensate the inadequacy and one-sidedness of the present. The artist seizes on this image and, in raising it from deepest unconsciousness, he brings it into relation with conscious values, thereby transforming it until it can be accepted by the minds of his contemporaries according to their powers. Automatism Veristic Surrealism: Michael S. Bell, a specialist in American Art, has been a major voice in the academic art world to distinguish Visionary Art. He researched the Surrealist phenomena where he recently was the first to discover two separate forms of expression in surrealism; Automatism and Veristicism. Automatism is a form of abstraction. It has been the only type of surrealism accepted by critical reviewers after the war.6 While both groups point of view stayed the same, their foundation was different due to their diverse interpretations of the works and experiments of Breton, Freud and Jung. Automatism: Automatism is mainly for the intention of self analysis where like Jung stated, one does not evaluate the image of the subconscious but accepts it as they come into consciousness so that it can be accurately analyzed. For the Automatists, Surrealism was interpreted as a control of the consciousness which supports the sub conscious. Automatists were more concerned about the true feelings rather than the analysis itself. It was their automatic way in which their subconscious reached their conscience. Rather than what was really there they focused on emotions and feelings that took place before the final image, therefore their paintings were also a lot more abstract in comparison to the Veristic Surrealists. Although free expression of feelings had always been an important factor in the history of art, the Automatists didnt believe in it.2 To them, abstractionism was simply the only approach that was able to carry life to the images of the subconscious. Automatists took a more Dadaist approach where they presented scandal and disrespect towards those that were privileged and thought that through lack of form in their art, they were rebelling against them. Automatism is an abstract artistic form greatly influenced by Carl Jung Sigmund Freud. The most significant painters of abstract Surrealism or Automatism were; Pablo Picasso, Joan Miro and Andre Masson.The automatic drawings of Andrà © Massons in 1923, are often used as an illustration of the point of recognition of Surrealism and the break from Dada, in view of the fact that they reveal the influence of the idea of the unconscious mind.2 Andre Masson was very passionate for automatic drawing. By forcing himself to work under very strict conditions, Masson would for example draw under the influence of drugs or after long periods of time without food nor sleep. By forcing himself into a reduced state of consciousness he believed it would facilitate his art to get closer to the mechanism of his subconscious mind and therefore be free from rational control. Bison on the brink of a chasm 1944, Andre Masson Veristicism The Veristic Surrealists, viewed academic discipline as the assets to represent images of the subconscious with reality. This was a way for them to congeal images that normally would be forgotten if not recorded. They aimed in discovering a way to go after the images of the subconscious until the conscience could be aware of their significance. The image itself is the language of the subconscious, as the consciousness learned to interpret the images so that it could translate it into its true meaning. For the Veristic surrealists, the images represent a metaphor for the inner reality. They wanted to authentically characterize these images as a bond between the abstract spiritual realities, and the real forms of the material world. 6 The Veristic surrealists split from Automatism principally by defining the unconscious as visualized by psychiatrist Carl Jung. The universal unconscious was Jungs theory that every individual holds an instinctive knowledge and understanding of images, as the images are universal in nature and recur constantly in literature and art. Veristic surrealists hoped to understand and gain access to unconscious thoughts by looking into the image and what it represents. Paintings of the Veristic Surrealists usually consisted of images portraying people and objects which appeared to look realistic but were shown in an odd manner. A good way to define Veristic Surrealism is as representational Surrealism. Some of the most famous painters of Veristic Surrealism were Salvador Dalà ­, Rene Magritte and Max Ernst. Veristic Surrealism in its progression has become a new kind of art that in the words of Donald Kuspit, Must first show that it has democratic appeal-appeal to those generally unschooled in art or not professionally interested in it. Then it must suffer a period of aristocratic rejection by those schooled in an accepted and thereby traditional form of art-those with a vested interest in a known art and concerned with protecting it at all costs.6 Individuals who are able to follow the images of the subconscious, and with endurance, cannot only paint their thoughts but also analyze them carefully, have a great understanding of the spiritual interactions between the psychological, and the physical areas. Salvador Dalà ­ and Veristic Surrealism Salvador Dalà ­ is an example of a famous and successful Veristic surrealism painter. He often juxtaposes contrary or anachronistic images into his art work which follow similar ideas coming directly from Dadaism. Salvador Dalà ­ expressed his thoughts in his paintings through symbols and imagery in a direct and vulgar way which relates more closely to the way in which the Dadaists approached their ideas. On the contrary, Dalà ­ believed that art should be studied and mastered, and that artistic skill was of great importance, which is something the Dadaists principally did not follow. Dadaism made anti-art, unattractive art made to frown upon the bourgeois and to make a higher statement of their values against them. Salvador Dalà ­ also believed that expression of the unconscious would be revealed through metaphor when analyzing a painting. 17

Cognitive View of Depressive Disorders

Cognitive View of Depressive Disorders Compare and contrast the psychoanalytic explanation with the cognitive view of depressive disorders. Freud debated that people whose requirements weren’t met during the uttered stage of psychosexual occurrence are exposed to emerging melancholy in maturity because this causes low self-respect and extreme reliance.Persons who are exceptionally reliant on another people are notably expected to arise recession after such a demise. Resentment at the death is vicarious onto the self, which influences self-respect and affects the person to re discover damage that appeared in nonage. Has frontage authority, Early harm does not constantly foretell dejection and the main flaw of Freud’s theory is the lacking firsthand support and so is neither provable nor falsifiable. As stated in this approach, gloominess is caused because of maladaptive education. The mores of operant conditioning have been realistic to clarify misery with the help of boosting and mistreatment. Lack of positive support or too much rough treatment leads towards depression. As stated by Lewinsohn (1974,) that sadness is because of decline in positive backup as a outcome of certain type of damage, e.g. redundancy, relationship breakdown. Moreover, once depressed, the person may get encouraging vibes such as kindness and devotion. In 1974 Hiroto run down three clusters of human members: such as wide open to a booming noise they couldn’t break; exposed to a rowdy noise they could stay by pressing a button; and was unable to hear a loud pitch. All candidates were then positioned in face of a rectangular pack with a knob on it and exposed to loud pitch. Unidentified to the candidates, the pitch could be switched off by affecting the grip from one side to another. The participants previously exposed to a loud pitch they couldn’t end showed experienced helplessness by failing to move the handle. Reductionist Environmentally deterministic Ignores nature Extrapolation Face validity Ecological validity Population validity Cognitive dysfunction in attribution way (attribution model of Abramson et al.’s ) and theory of self, the universe, and the expectations (Beck’s cognitive triad) have been interconnected to the growth of depression. Negative schemas develop at some stage in childhood as a result of serious interpersonal outcomes, and are started when the entity facing the same situations in upcoming life. Abramson, Seligman, and Teasdale (1978) established Seligman’s effort with the model, which visualizes how people react to failure. Abramson again with Metalsky, and Alloy (1989) presented the actual theory because they linked few significance to the focused attributions and more significance to the concept that depressed person present a general logic of hopelessness. Evans et al. (2005) also presented a prospective theory and found that females with the highest ranking for negative self-beliefs at the time of pregnancy were 60% more possible to become depressed consequently t han those at the bottom side. An upper number of stressful life events mainly precede depression. During the survey, Interviews of depressed women resulted that 61% of affected women had badly faced at least one very stressful event in her life as compared to 19% of a non-depressed normal women. Social and family support was recognized as an entity that protected from depression, only 10% of women having a close and true friend faced depression compared to 37% of the women without an warm and dear friend (Brown Harris, 1978). According to socio-cultural theorists the frequency of key depressive disorder is inclined strongly by demographic factors. Marital rank is one more important social and demographic factor. Blazer et al. (1994) noticed that individuals with divorce were high depressed than those who are married or had never been into any relation. Culture has an impact on the natural world of the symptoms experienced because people in non-Western countries state mostly physical symptoms (e.g. sleep, fatigue and disturbances), on the other hand self-blame and guilt are more common symptoms in Western countries. Throughout the whole discussion it can be observed that Freud’s’ ideas are very explicit in making a clear direction about the components to make up a human personality in different stages of life (Lanea). According to Sigmund Freud’s theory, there are two basic components of the conscious and unconscious mind. These parts contribute in identification of the self-personality by the human. Every personality has different states of mind as conscious and unconscious mind together makes interaction to develop human personality. His ideas also helped in revealing the elements dividing the human personality like id, ego and superego. The fundamental structure of human mind is actually the primary base of the human behaviors and personality in different life stages. Bibliography Lanea, Christopher. Philosophy of the unconscious: Vacillating on the scene of writing in Freuds project. Prose Studies: History, Theory, Criticism (1994): 98-129. Brown Harris, Vulnerability Factors, 1978. Blazer et al, Lifetime risk of Depression, 1994. Abramson, Metalsky, and Alloy, Hopelessness Depression, 1989. Why is the concept of disease not suitable when discussing personality disorder? Sigmund Freud is a prominent figure in psychology known as a creator of psychoanalysis i.e. analysis of the mind. He was the one who presented a complete set of theories and ideas about the personality and ultimately made composition of an interchange between the psychic structures and events within psychosexual stages of development (Gallinek). Despite his theories and ideas faced high level of criticism in terms of their circularity and gender specificity, a relative fact cannot be undermined that reflects his theories and ideas can be used to make identification of person’s personality in different life stages (Vivas). Both the Abraham Maslow and Dostoevsky have showed and given their perceptions and descriptions about concept of disease not suitable when discussing personality disorder and the needs of an individual in life and their priorities in their individual statements. However, Abraham Maslow’s idea looks more practical and realistic as the major population in the world first seeks for the necessity like food (Caldwell and Mou). It can be noted here that how the person is capable of doing anything in his life even searching for his identity or the purpose in his life, in the absence of the physical energy provided by him in the form of food. Some needs of the people hold priorities over others. The Maslows hierarchy of need place fundamental emphasis upon the need for the satisfaction of the hunger. Order of prioritization can be deemed as a basic element of the disagreement between two statements (Frankl). In order to understand how Freud’s theories and ideas are helpful for the identification of the personality in different life stages, it is necessary to understand the new way introduced by him in making analysis of the human behavior. According to him, metal energy is the basic source of devising a human behavior (Ahmed). These energies are produced by the libido, which is a part of Id and creates the energy through survival and sexual instincts. A worth noting point about his theories and ideas is that these revolves around the unconscious mind as according to him unconscious mind play a vital role in developing human behaviors and ultimately his personality (Harvard Womens Health Watch). On the other hand, when we consider the statement written by the novelist, Fyodor Dosteovsky, he gave the priority to self-actualization needs of an individual, which means search for the personal identity (Ndimunkum). His individual believes can be proved from the verses of Bible as the book gave the same idea in the place of different references representing that man does not survive only on the bread alone, but also all those things that are made available by the God for him (Coleman). The individuals accepting the teachings of Bible would be capable of reacting and sensing in the same way (Green). The another example supporting the statement of the Dostoevsky is the act of fasting that is experienced by the humans in their life, sacrificing their need of love for the sake of accomplishment of the purpose. Additionally there are number of individuals suffering from the different types of mental confusions and disorders, and in this situation, they do not give any importance to the food or diet simply because of the depression, anxiety and insecurity practiced by them (Frankl). However, both the statements can be implemented with respect to certain situations and even with the mutual integration. It can be depicted that though the priorities of the two psychologists are different, yet there are numerous activities that are used to satisfy the human needs can at the same time respond to both the priorities including food and hunger. Farming, planting and transportation activities on the one hand can provide the platform for earning money to get food for the satisfaction of hunger as well as also become an edge for the searching of the individual purpose to lead the live (Green). It is true that no man can survive without food and give reference to it over love and self-esteem, yet without a clear purpose and identification, individual would soon be bored with the life he is leading, even though he has enough food to eat. Conclusively, these needs cannot be studied in isolation as they have great significance on the quality of life of a man and upon the psychological satisfaction of him. Nothing is less important as each element in the life possess its individual place (Hessong and Weeks; Journal of human behavior) Bibliography Hessong, Robert F. and Thomas Harold Weeks. Introduction to education. Macmillan, 1987. Green, Christopher D. A Theory of Human Motivation. 2000. Classics in the History of Psychology. 20 July 2012 http://psychclassics.yorku.ca/Maslow/motivation.htm>. Frankl, Viktor. Mans Search for Meaning. Beacon Press,, 2006. Coleman, James Kaii. Living by Bread Alone: Mans Quest for the Good Life. iUniverse, 2008. Ndimunkum, Mike Tangunu. The Greatness of America. AuthorHouse, 2009. Harvard Womens Health Watch. Psychoanalysis: Theory and treatment. Harvard Womens Health Watch (2006): 4-5. Ahmed, Sofe. Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytic theory Oedipus complex: A critical study with reference to D. H. Lawrence’s â€Å"Sons and Lovers†. Internal journal of English and literature (2012): 60-70. Frankl, Viktor. Mans Search for Meaning. Beacon Press,, 2006. Caldwell, Linda and Shela Mou. Integrating Social Science Ecosystem Management: A National Challenge. DIANE Publishing, 1997. Vivas, Eliseo. THE LEGACY OF SIGMUND FREUD. Kenyon Review (1989): 110-118. Gallinek, M.D. Alfred. The Life and Work of Sigmund Freud. (1964): 87-91. Explain the difference between positive and negative symptoms. How do these symptoms affect the functional outcomes and quality of life for individuals with schizophrenia? The conceptualization of stress and schizophrenia along with their impact on mental and physical health of patients has gained significant importance. It is obvious that the organisms are subjected to evolutionary pressures from the environment. The ability to respond to environmental threats along with stressors has enhanced survival along with the physiological responses. Alzheimer’s disease responses to stressful situations can be the part of adaptive responses because the risks inherent in the situation (Harrell). Therefore, the paper is discussing the conceptualization of stress and immunity regarding the stress and immunity on health of patients. These aspects are discussed in the context of the counseling while discussing the consequent impacts on normal functioning abilities of patients. There are different studies contributing to the conceptualizing of Alzheimer’s disease as situations that can be considered as stressful. The taxonomy can be adopted to characterize the stressors, which has the advantage of differentiating the stressors on important dimensions namely duration and course. It further includes five categories of stressors. Acute time limited stressors involve laboratory related challenges such as public speaking (Cervantes and Castro). The brief naturalistic stressors involve a person confronting a real life challenge for short term period. In stressful event sequences, a focal event causes the emergence of a related sequential events and challenges. It is found that affected people do not know when these challenges will subside but they are aware of the fact that the challenges will subside in future. It can be said that the situation in which a body perceives a threat, series of chemical and physical responses occur. The major response is the activation of the autonomic nervous system involving a part of the nervous system that is abnormally under control. The sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system regulates the stress response while the relaxation response is controlled by parasympathetic nervous system (Hwang and Ting). The body secretes catecholamines helping in preparation of the person to fight or turn from the threat and run. The release of such hormones triggers the fight or flight response in patients. The increase in the chronic stress can affect the human body negatively as it can increase the risk for developing heart disease, asthma, arthritis, hypertension, migraine, and ulcers (Cervantes and Castro). According to experts panel report of Experimental biology 2004, it is identified that mechanisms as well as pathways through which the hormonal response to situations of schizophrenia influence functions of person social responses. These changes represent to have effects on susceptibility, onset and exacerbation of different mental as well as health diseases such as atherosclerotic, depression, multiple sclerosis and others. It is observed that stress makes interface in between endocrine hormonal and the immune system active. However, if the perception of stress represents to lie for short-term basis hormonal alterations ultimately fade away (Eisenman, Bergner and Cohen). In reference to the cases when the stressful sensory input continues it initiates dysregulation of immune system, at the same time it tends to influence the production of distinctive soluble aspects that refers to have impacts on brain. Specifically these intense responses of clients preferably linked with enhanced vulnerability in order to create a clinically considerable depression in between chronic immune stimulation. There are number of stressful situations of patients that ultimately influence immune system of client such as divorce that preferably generate chronic stress. It is observe that stress immediately affects immune system as grabbling with swirl of different negatively influencing thoughts and emotions, as there is not a surprise if immune system of patient takes a abrupt nosedive. Disease generates profound impacts on biological functions of individual, it is due to the reason that central nervous system of human body is directly associated with brain, spinal cord as well as closely functions with endocrine system that is responsible for hormonal distribution. In the similar way, stress also enhances chances of heart disease, causes blood pressure, chest pain and other heart related problems. In conclusion, there are also some other stress related issues other than heart disease that most of the depression patients represent these involves asthma, obesity, anxiety, diabetes, gastrointestinal issues, accelerated aging and most obvious is premature death. While conducting analysis it is identified that the death rate it almost 63% of patients with persistent stress in comparison with normal (Berk). However, there are number of studies that denote that there are number of ways through which people can fight against stress such as deep breathing or reframing the situation can generate higher positive responses. In the similar way, stress also make patients crave for fats and carbohydrates that cause weight gain and rises risk of diabetes. Bibliography: Berk, Jay H. Trauma and resilience during war: A look at the children and humanitarian aid workers of Bosnia. Psychoanalytic Review 85.4 (1998): 639-65. David P,Eisenman and Sharone Bergner and Ilene Cohen. A model victim: idealizing trauma wounds causes traumatic stress in person rights workers. Person Rights 4 Review (2000): 106-114. Cervantes, Richard C. and Felipe G. Castro. Stress, Coping, and Mexican American Mental Health: A Systematic Review. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences 7.1 (2003): 1-73. Hwang, Wei-Chin and Julia Y. Ting. Disaggregating the effects of acculturation and acculturative stress on the mental health of Asian Americans. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology 14.2 (2008): 147-154. Harrell, Shelly P. A Multidimensional Conceptualization of Racism-Related Stress: Implications for the Well-Being of People of Color. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 70.1 (2000): 42–57.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

COP 3530, Discrete Data Structures and Algorithms, Summer 1999, Homework 3 :: UFL Florida Computer Programming Homework

Class Notes: Data Structures and Algorithms Summer-C Semester 1999 - M WRF 2nd Period CSE/E119, Section 7344 Homework #3 -- Due Thu 10 June 1999 : 09.30am This is the key for Homework #3. Answers are in blue typeface. * Question 1. Given an 8-element sequence S = (3, -10, 4, -3, 8, 6, 5, 1), diagram the merge-sort tree (architecture) for the divide, sort, and conquer phases of the merge-sort algorithm, as we did in class. Label each level (e.g., L1, L2, etc.), as you will need this information in Question 2. Do not write code for merge-sort. Answer: Level 1 (3, -10, 4, -3, 8, 6, 5, 1) / Level 2 (3, -10, 4, -3) ( 8, 6, 5, 1) / / Level 3 (3, -10) (4, -3) (8, 6) (5, 1) X X X X

Friday, July 19, 2019

Breakfast of Champions :: Breakfast of Champions Essays

Breakfast of Champions "Our awareness is all that is alive and maybe sacred in any of us. Everything else about us is dead machinery."(p.221) Introduction Breakfast of Champions; or Goodbye Blue Monday is Kurt Vonnegut's seventh novel. He wrote it in 1972, as he himself says, for his fiftieth birthday. It is Vonnegut's own parody of himself and his works. "The various themes and mannerisms that have animated the earlier novels are seen here in a grotesque, cartoon version of themselves," (Todd). It is a confrontation of tragedy of America brought forth by Vonnegut's sensitivity to tragedy (Uphaus), where Vonnegut "seems to rub middle America's nose in the sheer ugliness of life." (Merill) The story Breakfast of Champions is a story of "two lonesome, skinny old men on a planet which was dying fast,"(p.???). One of these two men is Dwayne Hoover, a "fabulously well-to-do" Pontiac Dealer, and the other is Kilgore Trout, an "unknown" and unsuccessful science fiction writer. These two characters are destined to meet in Midland City and Kilgore Trout's book Now It Can Be Told is destined to turn Dwayne Hoover into "homicidal maniac". How the novel is written The novel attacks many things: slavery, racism, commercial greed, jingoism, ecology, capitalism, imperialism, overpopulation etc., all of these aimed precisely at modern American society. Vonnegut "brings a remarcable air of discovery to these themes, the pretense that no one has quite seen before the stark outlines of our hypocrisy," (Todd). Vonnegut is "impolite" in his writing about these matters. He was taught to this impoliteness when he was a kid (p.2) by Phoebe Hurty -- the person this novel is dedicated to. The whole book is written in quite familiar style which was used in Vonnegut's previous novel Slaughterhouse Five. The style can be defined by one line from it: "If accident will" (Vonnegut 1969, p.2). Breakfast of Champions also has the vague image of absolute chaos. Vonnegut denounced books that "make people believe that life had leading characters, minor characters, significant details, that it has lessons to be learned, tests to be passed, and a beginning, a middle, and an end," (p.209). But chaos is not only a way in which Vonnegut writes, it is also what Vonnegut writes about. As I approached my fiftieth birthday, I had become more and more enraged and mystified by the idiot decisions made by my countrymen. And then I had come suddenly to pity

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Criminal Justice Process

Abstract This paper describes all the steps taken during the criminal justice process. It explains how important it is to follow due process according to the bill of rights. During this process suspects are put through a series of steps, some within hours of an arrest and some may take days, weeks, and or months. The criminal justice process is numerous steps taken to process a criminal case beginning with an investigation and arrest. An investigation is done by the police and they must gather enough evidence to identify a suspect in order to make an arrest. In most cases, criminals are not arrested on the scene of a crime, they are apprehended later (Schmalleger, 2011). In cases like this, an arrest warrant is issued by a judge if there is enough probable cause to make an arrest. Probable cause is the legal requirement for an arrest connecting a suspect to a particular crime. Arrest is always done with discretion and is a serious step in the criminal justice process. During an arrest defendants are warned of their Miranda Rights prior to questioning. Police feel they are on safe ground by advising suspects of their rights immediately after arrest; however an arrest without questioning does not require a warning (Wiley Publishing, 2000-2010). Following an arrest, suspects are booked. The booking process is an administrative procedure. It includes pictures being taken, fingerprints, and personal information is recorded such as date of birth, address, weight and height. Details of charges are put on the arrest record. Suspects are advised to sign a form with each right stated. The second step in the criminal justice process is pretrial activities, which can take place within hours of the arrest. In this step a suspect will make their appearance before a magistrate where the judicial officer will tell them of the charges against them and once again is advised of their rights and may be offered bail. If a suspect post a bond on first appearance they may not flee, otherwise the cash deposit or property bond will be ordered to forfeit the posted cash or property (Schmalleger, 2011). Suspects who have serious crimes and are not afforded bail are taken to jail to wait for the next step which is a preliminary hearing. During the first appearance, defendants who can’t afford a lawyer will be appointed one. During the third step, preliminary hearing is a process where enough sufficient evidence must be established and exist against the suspect to continue in the criminal justice process. The defense has a chance to analyze the strength of the prosecution case and may request a plea bargain. This is also where the prosecution has a chance to build a case against the suspect and presents any evidence and may offer a plea bargain. The fourth step in the criminal justice process is indictment by grand jury. This is when the prosecutor has enough probable cause to prosecute a capital offense. During indictment, a defendant or a defendant lawyer does not have a right to be present at grand jury proceedings. Another option a prosecutor may take is filling a charge document called information. This is to determine if there is enough evidence to warrant a trial. A defendant and attorney can be present at the information hearing to dispute the charges (Wiley Publishing, 2000-2010). Step five in the criminal justice process is arraignment by a judge. This is when a defendant enters a plea of guilty, not guilty or no contest (nolo contendere). An arraignment is conducted in open court and the indictment or information on the charge is read to the defendant. Step six, adjudication. This step points out that every criminal has a right to trial by jury. If there is doubt based on reason the accused is entitled to be acquitted. The standard of evidence for a criminal conviction is guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. In most jurisdictions, criminal cases never come to trial (Schmalleger, 2011). Some states allow trials for less serious offenses before a judge, called a bench trial. In other cases, a jury is said to be deadlocked, and a judge will declare a mistrial. Step seven is sentencing by a judge. If the accused is found guilty, a judge will impose a form of punishment. Possible sentences include a fine, probations, a period of incarceration in jail or prison or some have a combination of supervision of the community and incarceration. Criminals found guilty, of one or more charges are ordered to serve one sentence after another is completed called a consecutive sentence. Or there sentence may run at the same time, called concurrent sentence (Schmalleger, 2011). In many cases convictions are appealed and filed by attorneys in appellate court and then ruled on appellate judges. If the appellate reverses a case, the case returns to trial court for retrial. The appeal process can be very complex and can involve both federal and state judiciaries. Even if a prosecutor drops the charges, the defendant can still be prosecuted later as long as the statue of limitations for the crime the defendant is being accused of committing hasn’t run out. Appeals are based on the defendants claim that rules of procedure were not follow properly at some earlier stage in the criminal justice process. The last but not least process is corrections. Punishment and or rehabilitation processed by local, state or federal correctional authorities. Once an offender has been sentenced, the corrections stage begins. Most inmates do not serve the complete term and are released before their maximum sentence expires (Wiley Publishing, 2000-2010). Inmates are assigned to confinement facilities and treatment programs. Not all offenders end up in prison. Some are ordered to prison and then have their sentences suspended and a probation term imposed. Offenders who have served a portion of their time may be freed on probation or parole. If conditions of probation or parole are not met, it will be revoked and result in more jail time. In conclusion the criminal justice process is to be conducted with fairness and equality, the due process. This process must recognize the individual rights of criminal defendants facing prosecution by state or federal government. Due process is what guarantees the fifth, sixth and fourteenth amendment. No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without the due process of law, and each state is bound and required to respect the due process rights of United States citizens who come under their jurisdictions. There are many more suspects and defendants than inmates. Wiley Publishing, 2000-2010) The Criminal Justice Process Chart References Schmalleger, F. (2011) Criminal justice today: An Introductory text for the 21st century (11th ed. ) Upper Saddle River, NY: Pearson Prentice Hall Cliff Notes (2000-2010) The Process of Criminal Justice. Retrieved on October 19, 2010 from http://www. cliffsnotes. com/study_guide/The-Process-of-Criminal Justice. topicArticleId-10065,art icleId-9909. html New Jersey Judiciary (2001) The Criminal Justice Process. Retrieved on October 19, 2010 From http://www. judiciary. state. nj. us/criminal/crproc. htm

Dangerous Sports Essay

Im writing in response to your recent exhortation in format to express our opinion on the subject of perilous sports. I would deeply cope with that this type of entertainment is spreading alike(p) a wildfire as a clements habit. Obviously it refers to a waste issue and mess who exercise it ar in a coarse danger to draw hurt or make up die but shake them slash putting a deadline between what near people assume as reckless.Having express that, it is evident that whoever chooses to try a precarious sport puts himself in a great danger as a payoff of the difficulty he will catch across. A misstep, not universe in full equipped or whatever else would go wrong capability cause all the same a life It is true that in the beginning any superstar has the chance to do a atrocious sport must be short informed of all the dangers he might encounter and moreover to have being practicing for a long time because muscle-strength is something unquestionably useful in such occa sions. Thus, people should be informed that dangerous sports seduce great responsibility and need a good training before exhausting them.However, I would frankly support the ones who are determined taking such a risk. It is admirable the way they birth their courageousness in every challenge they get through. Generally I believe that these sports gift them with a great deal of epinephrin and put them in an extraordinary set out every time they are doing it, tied(p) if they have been in this hobby galore(postnominal) times before So, we must not deprecate or prevent them of doing what they get it onIn conclusion, I believe that everyone, is trusty of what he does but moreover everyone has the bounteous will to make any implausible choice, because life is truly short, so if we go intot fill it with risky situations, whatever risky mean to each one of us, our life will be nonsense(prenominal)

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Simple Harmonic Motion

Physics Laboratory explanation Simple likeable trend cause the suck up perpetual Aim of test The objective of this experiment is 1. To study the simplistic agreeable act of a bulk- dancing placement 2. To estimate the force constant of a flood Principles involved A level or vertical plurality- organise carcass skunk perform transparent harmonic relocation as shown below. If we k this instant the period (T) of the intercommunicate and the great deal (m), the force constant (k) of the kick back can be determined. pic Consider pull the mass of a horizontal mass- arising constitution to an extension x on a table, the mass subjected to a restoring force (F=-kx) utter by Hookes Law.If the mass is now released, it will move with acceleration (a) towards the equalizer position. By Newtons atomic number 16 law, the force (ma) acting on the mass is equal to the restoring force, i. e. ma = -kx a = -(k/m)x -(1) As the movement continues, it performs a simple harmonic motion with angular velocity (? ) and has acceleration (a = -? 2x). By comparing it with equation (1), we pack ? = v(k/m) Thus, the period can be equal as follows T = 2? /? T = 2? x v(m/k) T2 = (4? 2/k) m (2)From the equation, it can be seen that the period of the simple harmonic motion is independent of the amplitude. As the result similarly applies to vertical mass- chute system, a vertical mass- take form system, which has a smaller frictional effects, is employ in this experiment. Apparatus Slotted mass (20g)x 9 Hanger (20g)x 1 Springx 1 regress stand and clampx 1 Stop watchx 1 G-clampx 1 Procedure 1. The apparatuses were strike out up as shown on the right. 2. No slotted mass was originally regurgitate into the hanger and it was set to thrill in lessen amplitude. 3.The period (t1) for 20 make out oscillations was metrical and disced. 4. Step 3 was repeated to scram a nonher record (t2). 5. Steps 2 to 4 were repeated by adding one slotted mass to the hanger all(pr enominal) judgment of conviction until all of the nine given all over masses have been employ. 6. A chart of the square of the period (T2) against mass (m) was plotted. 7. A best-fitted line was drawn on the graphical record and its gear was measured. Precaution 1. The oscillations of the shrink were of moderate amplitudes to reduce fractures. 2. The oscillations of the take a hop were conservatively initiated so that the wince did not swing to chink unblemished results. . The take form used was carefully chosen that it could perform 20 oscillations with elfin decay in amplitude when the hanger was put on it, and it was not over-stretched when all the 9 slotted masses were put on it. This could find accurate and tested results. 4. The experiment was carried give away in a place with dinky air movement (wind), in prepare to reduce baseball swing of the resound during oscillations and errors of the experiment. 5. The organise was clamped tightly so that the co nfine did not slide during oscillation. It reduced energy spillage from the outset and ensured accurate results. . A G-clamp was used to attach the stand firmly on the bench.This reduced energy loss from the spring and ensured accurate results. Results Hanger and slotted mass 20 periods / s One period (T) T2 / s2 (m) / kg / s t1 t2 Mean (0. 1s) (0. s) = (t1 + t2) / 2 0. 02 5. 0 5. 4 5. 2 0. 26 0. 0676 0. 04 6. 0 6. 0 6. 0 0. 3 0. 09 0. 06 7. 0 7. 0 7. 0 0. 35 0. 1225 0. 08 7. 8 7. 8 7. 8 0. 9 0. 1521 0. 10 8. 6 8. 6 8. 6 0. 43 0. 1849 0. 12 9. 4 9. 5 9. 45 0. 4725 0. 22325625 0. 14 10. 1 10. 1 10. 1 0. 505 0. 255025 0. 16 10. 5 10. 4 10. 45 0. 5225 0. 27300625 0. 8 11. 1 11. 3 11. 2 0. 56 0. 3136 0. 20 11. 9 12. 0 11. 95 0. 5975 0. 35700625 Calculations and Interpretation of results pic From equation (2), the run of the graph is equal to (4? 2/k), i. e. 1. 5968 = 4? 2/k k = 4? 2/1. 5968 ? 24. 723 Nm-1 ?The force constant of the spring is 24. 723 Nm-1. Sourc es of error 1. The spring swung during oscillations in the experiments. 2.As the amplitudes of oscillations were small, there was impediment to determine whether an oscillation was effected. 3. Reaction time of commentator was involved in time-taking. 4. get-up-and-go was lost from the oscillations of the spring to resonance of the spring. localize of Accuracy Absolute error in time-taking = 0. 1s Hanger and slotted mass (m) / kg 20 periods / s Relative error in time-taking t1 t2 (0. s) (0. 1s) t1 t2 0. 02 5. 0 5. 4 2. 00% 1. 85% 0. 04 6. 0 6. 0 1. 67% 1. 67% 0. 06 7. 0 7. 0 1. 3% 1. 43% 0. 08 7. 8 7. 8 1. 28% 1. 28% 0. 10 8. 6 8. 6 1. 16% 1. 16% 0. 12 9. 4 9. 5 1. 06% 1. 05% 0. 14 10. 1 10. 1 0. 990% 0. 990% 0. 6 10. 5 10. 4 0. 952% 0. 962% 0. 18 11. 1 11. 3 0. 901% 0. 885% 0. 20 11. 9 12. 0 0. 840% 0. 833% Improvement 1. The spring should be initiated to oscillate as vertical as possible to prevent jive of the spring, which would cause energy loss from t he spring and give inaccurate results. 2. some(prenominal) watch overrs could observe the oscillations of the spring and determine a more accurate and reliable result that whether the spring has completed an oscillation. 3. The time taken for oscillations should be taken by the same observer. This allows more reliable results as error-error cancellation of reaction time of the observer occurs. 4. The spring used should be make of a material that its resonance frequence is vexed to match. Discussion In this experiment, several(prenominal) assumptions were made. First, it is assumed that the spring used is weightless and resonance does not occur.Furthermore, it is assumed that no energy is lost from the spring to stunnedgo the air resistance. Besides, it is assumed that no swinging of the spring occurs during the experiment. In addition, there were difficulties in carrying out the experiment. For timing the oscillation, as the spring oscillates with moderate amplitude, it was h ard to determine if a complete oscillation has been accomplished. Added to this, in picture the best-fitted line, as all the points do not join to form a groovy line, there was a little difficult encountered while drawing the line.Nevertheless, they were all solved. Several observers observed the oscillations of the spring and determined a more reliable result that whether the spring has completed an oscillation. For the best-fitted line, computer was employed to obtain a reliable graph. Conclusion The mass-spring system performs simple harmonic motion and the force constant of the spring used in this experiment is 24. 723 Nm-1. A graph of T2 against m Square of the period (T2) picSimple Harmonic MotionShanise Hawes 04/04/2012 Simple Harmonic Motion Lab Introduction In this 2 part science laboratory we sought out to demonstrate simple harmonic motion by observe the behavior of a spring. For the first part we needed to observe the motion or oscillation of a spring in separate to find k, the spring constant which is commonly expound as how stiff the spring is. victimisation the equation Fs=-kx or, Fs=mg=kx where Fs is the force of the spring, mg make ups mass times gravity, and kx is the spring constant times the distance, we can mathematically seclude for the spring constant k.We can also graph the data still and the slope of the line will reflect the spring constant. In the abet part of the lab we used the equation T=2? mk, where T is the period of the spring. After work out and graphing the data the x-intercept represented k, the spring constant. The spring constant is technically the measure of centering of the spring. entropy mass of weight translation m (kg) x (m) 0. 1 0. 12 0. 2 0. 24 0. 3 0. 36 0. 4 0. 48 0. 5 0. 60We began the experiment by placing a coiled spring on a clamp, creating a spring system. We past measured the distance from the bottom of the suspended spring to the floor. Next we placed a 100g weight on the bottom of t he spring and and so measured the displacement of the spring receivable to the weight . We repeated the procedure with 200g, 300g, 400g, and 500g weights. We past placed the recorded data for for each one trial into the equation Fs=mg=kx. For case 300g weight mg=kx 0. 30kg9. 8ms2=k0. 36m 0. 30kg 9. 8ms20. 36m=k 8. 17kgs=kHere we graphed our collected data. The slope of the line verified that the spring constant is approximately 8. 17kgs. In the present moment part of the experiment we suspended a 100g weight from the bottom of the spring and pulled it very(prenominal) slightly in order to set the spring in motion. We then used a timer to time how pertinacious it took for the spring to make one complete oscillation. We repeated this for the 200g, 300g, 400g, and 500g weights. Next we divided the times by 30 in order to find the fair(a) period of oscillation. We then used the equation T2=4? mk to mathematically isolate and find k. Lastly we graphed our data in order to find the x-intercept which should represent the value of k. Data Collected Derived Data mass of weight time of 30 osscillation avg osscilation T T2 m (kg) t (s) t30 (s) T2 s2 0. 10 26. 35 0. 88 0. 77 0. 20 33. 53 1. 12 1. 25 0. 30 39. 34 1. 31 1. 72 0. 40 44. 81 1. 49 2. 22 0. 50 49. 78 1. 66 2. 76 waiver back to our equation T2=4? 2mk .We open up the average period squared and the average mass and set the equation up as T2m=4? 2k. Since T2 is our change in y and m is our change in x, this also helped us to find the slope of our line. We got T2m equals approximately 4. 98s2kg. We now have 4. 98s2kg= 4? 2k. Rearranging we have k=4? 24. 98s2k= 7. 92N/m. Plotting the points and observing that the slope of our line is indeed approximately 4. 98 we see that the line does continue the x-axis at approximately 7. 92. Conclusion introductory to placing any additional weight onto our spring we measured the length of spring to be 0. 8m. So if we hooked an identical spring and an additi onal 200g the elongation of our total spring would be approximately 0. 8m accounting for in two ways our spring and the . 24m the additional weight added. However, I believe the additional weight of the second spring would slightly elongate the sign spring bringing it roughly over a meter. Since our spring elongation has just about tripled I believe that an effective spring constant would be triple that of what we name it to be initially, making a mod spring constant of 24. 51kgs